Building Features

Strength through higher standards.

Stronger features and longer guarantees than you’d expect.

As Solid Steel Buildings we work hard to tailor your building to maximize cost savings, ensure proper design for your exact needs, and meet all local codes. Below are some styles and features of our buildings.

Solid Standards

Solid Steel Buildings uses standards, specifications and recommendations from professionally recognized agencies and groups, such as AISC, AWS, ASTM, AISI, MBMA, as the basis for our own design, fabrication and quality standards.

The design loads are specified by the customer’s needs and are always clearly established in the proposal and contract. We take every element into consideration when designing and engineering your building – Mezzanines, cranes, mechanical equipment, and roofing to name just a few.

Solid Steel Framing

Framing style depends primarily on the building’s use. There are two main types of framing used in a steel building:

“Clear span” styles give the most open space without needing interior columns. Clear span buildings can be small (garages, small storage facilities, small to mid size churches) or large (aircraft hangers, large open sports complexes and some riding

arenas). Larger buildings use heftier frames and rafters to accommodate the loads put on the walls and roof.

“Interior column” styles may be a good option for very large buildings where open space is not a necessity. These might be industrial facilities, warehouses, manufacturing spaces, etc. Interior columns typically call for lighter framing, which saves money.

Solid Framing Styles

rigid-clearRigid Frame / Clear Span

Widths up to 254? , tapered columns and rafters, double roof slope, available roof pitch from 1:12 to 4:12.

rigid-slopeRigid Frame / Single Slope

Widths up to 100? , tapered columns and rafters, single slope roof, available roof pitch 1/2 :12.

rigid-columnRigid Frame / One Column

Widths up to 500? , tapered columns and rafters, available roof pitch 1:12 to 4:12.


Rigid Frame / Two Column

Widths up to 500? or more (varies with design) , tapered columns and rafters, double sloop roof, available roof pitch 1:12 to 4:12


Rigid Frame / Three Column

Widths up to 500? or more (varies with design), tapered columns and rafters, double sloop roof, available roof pitch 1:12 to 4:12.

lean-toLean To

Widths up to 60?, tapered columns and straight rafters, single sloop roof pitch 1:12.

Solid Features

The Roof

Our roof panels are made from Galvalume®, (AZ-55) which is primarily aluminum, with 44% zinc and 1% silicon. The higher the aluminum content the greater resistance to corrosion. With AZ55, our factory gives you a 25 year rust warranty. Should a hole appear in the panel, the factory will replace it. The roof will never loose its brilliance, so there is no need for painting or maintenance. AZ 55 Galvalume® is truly worth it’s weight in, well, aluminum!

Base Angle

This is the connection between the sidewalls and foundation. Our base angle is a 16 gauge angle, 60% stronger than the standard 20 gauge angle, guaranteed not to flex during installation. WE match a base trim to the color of your walls and framed openings, adding to the look of your building. We then tightly seal your building at the base.


Solid H-Beam construction means no flexing or warping over time (like wood). This can save up to 40% off your insurance rates, is pest-proof and poses no fire hazard.

As an upgrade, all framing elements may be galvanized with a hot-dipped coating. This adds more more protection against corrosion, and important consideration on buildings open to the environment such as riding arenas and open pavilions.

The Paint

We offer a full, 25-year warranty on our polyester baked-on paints. We guarantee every building against cracking, peeling and blistering. Year after year, your building will look as good as the day it was completed.


We only use stainless steel capped fasteners for all our buildings, and our they have a lifetime warranty. As you may already know, stainless steel does not rust, ensuring a good looking roof for years and years to come.

Cover Trim

We finish our framed openings with our commercial cover trim that covers all headers and jambs in a color of your choice. This provides a professional, completed look to the building.