Who’s The Strongest of Them All?

Imagine a building material that is so strong municipalities around the country are using it to build storm shelters to protect their citizens the next time tornado or hurricane warnings are issued. This material is so durable that top aircraft industry professionals trust it to house their most valuable assets. This is exactly the type of security and protection that metal buildings offer.

But metal buildings are more than just reliable protection from the occasional wind, ice storms, hurricanes, tornado or fires; they also protect interiors from pest infestations, mold, mildew and rot.

Steel has other strengths, (pardon the pun)

  • Wind resistance due to ductility – It can bend without breaking. Metal buildings can withstand forces up to 150 MPH without incurring damage to the exterior or foundation.
  • Steel can absorb more energy than less sturdy materials but does not attract lightning any more readily than anything else.
  • If lightning does strike a steel building or roof, the damage is minimized because the lower electrical resistance of steel spreads the heat of strike out along roof and walls to be grounded in the earth.
  • Steel protects people and property within the building, including electronics, from effects of a lightning strike.
  • A steel structure remains standing in Seismic Zone 4, the highest classification of seismic zone which are most prone to seismic waves and shifting grounds.


Take a look at just how solid steel is to protect you from the elements. https://solidsteelbuildings.com/our-buildings/building-features/